Almighty: I understand you were moved to another secret location in the PH Cave. More clandestine work for PBM? No need to make up stories…I of all people understand your value and the necessity of keeping you safe. Should your location become known, the possibility of you being kidnapped or harmed is untenable! The threat to the global presentation world as we know it might be too much for PBM to contain! ANARCHY! DEVESTATION! POORLY DEVELOPED AND DESPLAYED PANEL BOARDS!! The Horror.
Chronicler: Certain threats were made by bad-display-type-people so it was felt by those in the highest echelons of authority that I should be relocated to a true cave (aka the basement) and not just a figurative one for my own safety. They have even given the new secret location a code name to throw off such evil doers. It is known by the immensely creative and clandestine name of ‘Training Room 2’. Now I feel confident that I can continue the crucial work in support of PBM’s efforts to rid the world of bad displays everywhere and not fear my safety will be jeopardized.
Long Live PBM!!!