“I’ve begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own.”
~ Chaim Potok, The Chosen
This quote truly reflects what I am trying to accomplish with my ten minutes of silence each morning and I have to admit it is the hardest part of my new routine. Quieting my mind and being fully present in the moment is something I struggle with. My mind races all the time with my internal dialogue and is also one of the reasons I have such a hard time falling asleep at night.
This morning I tried a new tactic by staring at a candle and watching the little flame dance around and where the tip of the wick glowed a dull reddish orange. I think it helped a bit and will simply take more practice but at the moment I can go about fifteen seconds before a random thought enters my head, typically something I want to work on, reminding myself of something I have to do that day, or just a string of random thoughts like a stream of consciousness. Afterwards I reread the chapter on Silence in Miracle Morning and one of the final thoughts the author has on the subject is that “There’s no single right way to spend time in Silence.” and he also suggests that the Silence could be mentally focusing on a short phrase while breathing in and out such as “I breathe in peace…” followed by “I breathe out love…”. I think this will be the next option I try.
Ultimately I think this activity of silence will help me be my most authentic self with myself and then I can be my most authentic self with others. As they say it will take practice, practice, practice.
Until next time…in silence we find our truest selves and we need to ask ourselves am I happy who with that person is.
~ Crimson