Stay Calm and Assume Positive Intent
“Whatever anybody says or does, assume positive intent. You will be amazed at how your whole approach to a person or problem becomes very different.” ~ Indra Nooyi
I was surprised on Friday to find that rumours that I am leaving for another job are circulating at my current workplace. One of my coworkers is moving on to another opportunity and I was asked by a few people if it was true that I was going to the same new job. I am not.
It would be so easy to jump the gun and be angry that someone is spreading false information about me but I choose not to. I know who the source is likely to be and that person has always been one of the kindest, most thoughtful, well-intentioned people I have had the pleasure of knowing.
Instead I choose to believe there was a miscommunication or misunderstanding somewhere along the line and this person simply brought up in conversation with the worker who is leaving that we had discussed this opportunity before although I didn’t follow through on it.
I recently rewatched an episode of Smallville (I will not call it a guilty pleasure because it was a fantastic show with lots of important lessons) and in it the character of Lex Luthor says a person isn’t who they were in the last conversation you had with them, they are who they were all along.
This person has always been a compassionate, wonderful role model and I would have never doubted his/her integrity before so there is no reason to start now.
Assuming positive intent is a philosophy I have believed strongly in for most of my life and it has served me well. I feel that assuming negative intent leads to a place of anger, resentment, and loneliness. Not a place I care to live my life.
Not to say I have never faltered but I am a much happier person for believing in this and striving to keep it in mind as I start each day.
Well that is it for today but until next time… Stay Calm and Assume Positive Intent.
~ Crimson
P.S. I am happy to say this is a philosophy that is trained out in my workplace.