This is a conversation between my son (S), daughter (D) and myself (Me) about what my son wants to be when he grows up.
D: S, what are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a veterinarian.
S: Drive police cars and fire trucks
D: You can only be one thing. Which one are you going to be?
Me: He can be more than one thing if he wants. You don’t have to be one thing forever.
D: And what else S?
S: Fix remotes and TVs
D: And what else?
S: Go in sheds
Me: What are you going to do in the sheds (trying very hard not to laugh)?
S: See the dead mice
D: And do what?
S: Bring them home
D: What are you going to do when you bring them home?
S: Give them water.
Me: Why would you give water to dead mice?
S: To make them alive again
D: Then what would you do with them?
S: Put them in water and hold them.
D: They can’t breathe under water.
Me: Maybe they are swimming.
S: Then get a small cup that fits in their house and give them water.
D: And then what will you do?
S: And then they will sleep.
D: And after they sleep?
S: Let them play with my toys.
D: They would play with your toys?
S: Yes, and then they will give them back.
Me: Sounds like very nice mice.
S: Yes, they are nice and they give them back because they like me.