Okay, so an update on me since it has been quite awhile….
I am back at work after my wonderful matenity leave. I really like my job and the people I work with but I would much rather be at home with my kids. In fact, I would much rather be stinking rich and never have to work again. Okay, keep the rich and leave out the stinking.
My littlest one had bronchiolitis and was on ventilin every four hours for a week. I ended up getting bronchitis from it all and passing that on to one of my friends. At least no one can say I don’t give.
I just finished my drama course at university and have enrolled in a spring course. A psychology course about learning, particularly learning in non-human animals. This means I will have a better understanding of half the people I come across each day.
My allergy to fragrances which started during my pregnancy has not gone away and in fact has gotten worse. At least I have an understanding boss who is trying to help in anyway he can. We now have a sign on our office door which basically says ‘if you are wearing perfume etc.. then bugger off’. Of course it is worded in a much more PC way than that.
I bought a new plant. It is called a money tree. So far it is not living up to its promise. Hopefully this one won’t die the horrible, horrible death all my other plants have. Plants truly fear me. I once got a mini cactus and it died in a week. Cacti are supposed to be one of the sturdiest plants. I took care of it exactly as instructed and it still died. Maybe it knew it belonged to me and decided dying would be easier. Some people have green thumbs, I have the black thumb of death.
Well that is it for now, I am sure I will think of something I left out later and post again when I remember.