Via email…
CoWorker #1: We received back the white copy of our 3 part form for the file you requested. We didn’t receive the pink copy back. If it’s a permanent retrieval we need to receive both the white and pink copies back stating that you are keeping file.
Crimson: I probably missed it but I didn’t see on the forms to return the pink one if the file is being pulled permanently so since we weren’t returning it I put the pink form in the confidential shredding.
CoWorker #2: Crimson, Crimson, Crimson…..whatever are we going to do with you? Shredding of all things…..I’m speechless…really totally at a loss for words……you know there was once a time when bla bla bla………..kidding of course.
Crimson: I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of papers suddenly cried out in terror and were shredded. I fear something terrible has happened.