I am getting back into theatre after a very long haitus so I have hired a vocal coach to help me get back into singing. She seems really nice and knowledgable so I think our styles will mesh quite nicely. My homework for this week is to pick two songs to work on. So far I am thinking ‘Somwhere’ from West Side Story and ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ from Les Miserable. My coach though introduced me to a really good song called ‘I’m Still Hurting’ from Five Years Gone By which I seem to do okay at. I think she wants one of my songs though to be a pop song so they are different genres. I am not sure what to pick though. At first I was thinking ‘What About Love’ by Heart but while I can hit the notes I just don’t do the song justice. H suggested a song by Elton John so I am going to give it a go tomorrow.
Rehearsal for ‘Gypsy’ starts tomorrow which both S and I are in although we just have very small non-singing non-speaking roles since this will be S’s first play and he is only 7 so I want to make sure theatre is really something he wants to do before committing to something larger.