Quote: “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest taken between two deep breaths.” — Etty Hillesum
Music: Better Sleep App – ocean and a calming humming music sound
Mood: Anxious
Grateful For: Cute stuffed animals which may be a seemingly immature thing, but they always bring a smile to my face and lighten my mood.
Act of Kindness: Helped a friend register for her next college courses.
Goal: Remove another 5 things from my house and 5 from my car. Clean top of end table since I ran out of time yesterday. Help DS to login to his course (tried Saturday but ran into issues).
Other: I decided to not complete my psychology course and just take it over again. Yes it is a loss of money (again) but I feel better just focusing on the two remaining courses. I have another two starting tomorrow which overlap the first two by two weeks. One is a desktop publishing course which I am really excited about.
January 15th, 2024