Quote: “Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” – Jackie Chan
Music: Better Sleep App – ocean and a calming humming music sound
Mood: Detached and anxious
Grateful For: Coworker S whose bright personality always makes me feel a little better and cared about.
Act of Kindness: Helped someone yesterday through submitting an expense claim.
Goals: Remove 5 things from my house and 5 from my car. Clean top of end table since I forgot that goal yesterday. Continue psychology homework. Help DS to login to his course.
Other: My homework right now is on schizophrenia and what those afflicted with it go through is heart breaking. It is partly why I am feeling anxious because I wish there was something I could do to help. It is a reminder to view those suffering from mental health issues with a compassionate lens and be kind and caring.