I have a lot of hobbies and interests although usually I don’t have time to indulge myself and my numerous projects (like the latch hook rug I started 12 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter that is collecting dust somewhere in the basement) end up on the back burner to the day to day demands of life.
Some of my hobbies and interests include or have included Artist Trading Cards (which I am now getting back into after a four year hiatus), Decos, Paper Twilling, Stamping, Postcards, RPGs (the written storytelling kind and larping), Trivia, Improv, Theatre, Random Acts of Kindness, Reading, Writing, Photography and much more.
I will have more info on those later as I develop this page but for now you can have a look at some of the Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) I have created in my photo gallery.
Origami – I finished my first kusudama project which took about three hours to do. The paper cutting and folding was a little tedious but I am very happy with the end result. While kusudama is technically a form of origami, some purists disagree since it involves glueing parts together. I then made a few lotus flowers which are easier and less labour intensive.