Just a few updates today:
On the 20th is my five year anniversary and I will be heading to visit friends up north. One of them I haven’t seen in twelve years as she has just recently returned from British Columbia and we just got back into contact with each other recently. The funny thing is she has been looking at going back to University and decided on one. It turns out it is the same one I am going to and she is even applying for the same program. We may end up having some classes together. How crazy!
The next day I fly out to Quebec City for my cousins’ wedding. I am pretty nervous about flying as I watch too much tv and let it affect me (Lost is my favourite show) due to the moderate paranoia I tend to have. Thus the anxiety level is pretty high so I will have to take a half dozen Gravol to knock me out. Of course I will probably sleep through and end up in Bangladesh.
I am taking a spring course at school about the Psychology of Learning. It is quite fascinating and has tons of reading but I can’t wait to finish as it is taking up a lot of time and I don’t get to see my family two days a week.
I have a friend redesigning my web site and I can’t wait to have it up. He has done an amazing job!!!
The Dr. Bernstein diet is working amazingly. I had put on a lot of weight when I was pregnant with my son (and before) and couldn’t get it off but now it is coming off quickly. I feel very energized and more like how I used to be. I have been very selfconscious and have had poor self-esteem but it is starting to get better.
Well that’s anough for now, Seacrest out…I mean Crimson out.