Rushing down the trendy path, no glancing back, no thought, no care.
Head first into flashy fads, the girl sees what, but not who or where.
~ Crimson Myst ~
(from my twitter page @crimsonmyst)
April 23rd, 2010
Rushing down the trendy path, no glancing back, no thought, no care.
Head first into flashy fads, the girl sees what, but not who or where.
~ Crimson Myst ~
(from my twitter page @crimsonmyst)
D – Daughter
H – Husband
M – Mother
S – Son
ATC – Artist Trading Card
RAK – Random Act of Kindness
RPG – Roleplaying Game
Note: When it comes to postings of conversations and emails I take a little literary license with them to remove any identifying information or add a few words to clarify the context of a conversation so posts are not always verbatim.